Big Relief for Tiny Itch Mites Found in All Natural Spray Remedy

BEDFORD PARK, Ill., Sept. 7 /PRNewswire/ — A group of golfers received quick and very welcome relief from itch mite bites with a surprising natural remedy. Created by Earth’s Balance, Golfers Rx provided quick healing to bites that otherwise would have plagued the golfers with a week or more of constant itching.

Hundreds of Chicago area residents have been plagued by the microscopic oak leaf gall mite, also known as the itch mite. These tiny mites leave small red, pimple-like bites that can take weeks to heal. Scratching the bites can lead to infection.

Golfer’s Rx new electrolyzed oxidizing water technology for healing may be new to the USA, but the spray’s safe and effective formulation has been a proven cure for skin irritations, bee stings, mosquito and other insect bites in the Orient for years.

Golfers Rx is especially effective for pain management. Simply spray the affected area 3-4 times daily or as needed.

“The bites we are seeing do not pose a major health threat — they mostly cause an annoying, intense itch,” Dr. Eric Whitaker, director of the state public health department, said in a statement. “Do not scratch the bites, however, or you could cause an infection, which would create other health problems. I suggest using an anti-itch cream for the bites or taking oral histamine.”

Some bite sufferers find their own way of dealing with the outbreak including over-the-counter remedies and chemicals. Leo Malantis, President of Earth’s Balance, offers a natural remedy fitting with many customers’ earth friendly attitude: Natural remedies for people, pets and planet. Leo also reminds people that this problem is not just restricted to Chicago. Any Midwest state with pin oak trees can suffer from these outbreaks. Past states have included Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Texas. Itch mite season runs from now through November.

For additional information on Golfers Rx and learn about Earth’s Balance other natural remedies, visit

More Information – Leo Malantis (President) at

Earth’s Balance 708/563-0655 — [email protected]

Earth’s Balance

CONTACT: Leo Malantis, President of Earth’s Balance, +1-708-563-0655,[email protected]

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