The most dangerous sex position for penises

Shayne Jacopian for – Your Universe Online
After a thirteen-year study, Brazilian scientists surveying three hospitals in Campinas concluded that “woman on top” is the most risky sex position for heterosexual men, causing more than half of all penile fractures. Alternatively, “doggy-style” is responsible for 29% of fractured penises, and 21% result from the missionary position.
The average age of the men included in this study was 34, with half of them reporting an audible cracking sound preceding severe pain and swelling, and some waiting for up to six hours before seeking medical attention—scientists attribute this to the embarrassment associated with visiting the hospital for a broken penis.
Of the 42 patients confirmed to have a fractured penis, 28 were injured during heterosexual intercourse and four during homosexual intercourse, with six others injured by “penis manipulation” and four because of “unclear circumstances.”

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The research concluded:
“Our hypothesis is that when woman is on top she usually controls the movement with her entire body weight landing on the erect penis, not being able to interrupt it when the penis suffers a wrong way penetration. The harm is usually minor in woman with no pain, but major in the penis. On the contrary, when the man is controlling the movement, he has better chances of stopping the penetration energy in response to the pain related to the penis harm, minimizing it.”
Of course, this shouldn’t discourage anyone from engaging in whatever kind of sex is appealing. While some activities are more risky than others, in most cases, communication with partners and stopping in the event of discomfort is enough to prevent the majority of sexual injuries. Have fun and stay safe!

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