2 Easy recipes that won’t cause fibro flares

carrot soup

Image: DronG / Shutterstock

Those who suffer from fibromyalgia are familiar with the widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory loss and mood swings. While medical researchers state pain is amplified with fibro by the way the brain processes pain signals, new research is emerging that suggests there is an inflammation connection to fibro pain. Recipes that won’t cause fibro flares are good to have in rotation.

Therefore, switching from unhealthy processed foods that are known to cause inflammation to those that reduce inflammation in the body, such as whole foods, should help reduce flares or the severity of flares. These recipes that won’t cause fibro flares are especially promising when these foods are combined with other treatments recommended by physicians.

Here are two recipes that won’t cause fibro flares featuring carrots. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A, both components are well known to fight inflammation. Cooking carrots seems to enhance the inflammation-fighting elements in these bright vegetables.

Roasted Carrots

Image: Paul_Brighton / Shutterstock

Baked Carrots


Prep time: 15 minutes

Cook time: up to 1 hour

Feeds 4

This recipe combines several inflammation-reducing ingredients into a sweet-treat dish sure to please grownups and children alike. This is a great side dish that can be served hot or cold.


2 cups of sliced, peeled carrots

Salt to taste

1 tsp. grated fresh ginger

3 Tbsp. non-sweetened orange juice concentrate

2 Tbsp. coconut oil, slightly warmed


In a small bowl combine the orange juice concentrate and ginger, and stir well.

Put the carrots into a glass baking dish or casserole, and drizzle the two tablespoons of coconut oil over the top of the carrots. Toss the carrots to evenly coat them with oil. Sprinkle a pinch or two of salt over the carrots, and toss again. The amount of salt you use can be adjusted to taste. You wont need much of it to bring out the flavor in the carrots.

Pour the orange juice and ginger combination over the carrots and cover the baking dish or casserole with foil. Place the casserole dish in the center of the oven pre-heated to 350 degrees, and bake for about 30 minutes, or until soft.

Serve warm or cold.


This recipe combines the anti-inflammatory ingredients of carrots, ginger, citrus and coconut oil. Citrus is frequently recommended in anti-arthritis diets. Oranges are rich in beta-cryptoxanthin, which is a phytochemical that helps to fight pain, especially in joints. Additionally, oranges are rich in vitamin C and may actually reduce the risk of ischemic stroke in women.

Ginger reduces inflammation that is caused by over reactive immune responses. It settles upset stomach and helps to break down toxins that are stored in your organs.

Research is showing that coconut oil has anti-inflammatory effects on chronic inflammation and other benefits.

carrot soup

Image: DronG / Shutterstock

Carrot Soup


Prep time: 15 minutes

Cook time: up to 1 hour

Feeds 4

We have already discussed the benefits of eating carrots. In this recipe we go for savory over sweet by using garlic, basil and hot pepper combined with almond butter to produce a soup that can be used as a main course and served with a whole grain bread and salad to round out the meal.

Garlic, is full of antioxidants and anti-bacterial, and antiviral properties. Garlic is an immune system booster, an acne reducer, and aids weight control. Garlic’s high sulfur content helps reduce inflammation by inhibiting the enzymes that cause inflammation.


4 cups chopped carrots

2 large cloves garlic, finely chopped

2 cups vegetable stock

1 tsp Korean or Vietnamese red chili paste

1 Tbsp. minced Thai cinnamon basil

1 large onion, chopped fine

Almond butter

1 Tbsp. coconut oil

1 8 oz. can coconut cream, unsweetened



1 tsp. whole sugar

1-2 cups water


In a large pot or kettle melt the 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and add the diced garlic and onion. Sautee these until they are translucent, then add the chopped carrots. Stir over a medium heat for about five minutes, sprinkling salt and pepper to taste.

Add the vegetable stock and half the water and bring to a boil. Sprinkle the Thai basil over the top, and stir it into the boiling water with the 1 teaspoon of pepper sauce. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cover the pot. Cook for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally to monitor the moisture level.

The carrots should cook until soft. When they crush easily you are ready to puree them.

Transfer the contents to a food processor and blend into a smooth paste. Add the almond butter and process until it is blended. Return the puree to the pot and stir-in the coconut cream and sugar. Bring the soup back to a boil, then reduce to simmer for 10 minutes.

Add water to the soup for a thinner texture if you prefer.
