8 Helpful Techniques To Better Deal With Fibromyalgia

Living with fibromyalgia

Living with fibromyalgia can be very difficult. The condition causes those individuals that suffer from it to have constant aches and pains all over their bodies. These pains are ever-persistent and cause those been inflicted to become very agitated and extremely stressed. The addition of many sleepless nights and the development of some sleep disorders may cause additional stress.

When a person suffering from aches and pains throughout their day attempts to go to sleep and cannot because those same aches and pains remain the same, and in some cases actually worsen, agitation and frustration levels rise.

There are not many treatments available to fibromyalgia patients, however there are some ways for those suffering to better cope with their symptoms that do not necessarily require the use of medication.


Daily life can become a chore for those with fibromyalgia. Everyday tasks that were once fun and enjoyable may now be extremely frustrating and difficult to complete. Someone that is suffering from fibromyalgia should look to avoid stressful situation and task in order to keep from agitating other symptoms related to fibromyalgia. Through minimizing exposure to stressful activities and situations, someone with fibromyalgia can improve their daily life.

Activities such as meditation and yoga exercises could prove to be quite useful to deal with stress and should be incorporated into at least two days of the week. Reserving a time of the day for deep breathing could prove helpful. A person should try to do activities that they know they will enjoy at least twice a week.

Keeping a Journal

Fibromyalgia can oftentimes affect the memory or focus of an individual. This too can be incredibly thing to cope with. For individuals that are suffering from occasional memory loss, keeping a journal or jotting down topics or issues they may encounter during the day may help ease some stress. Keeping a to-do list or lists containing information about future conversation topics can help to keep the mind sharp.

Regular Exercise

While exercise may be the last thing someone suffering from fibromyalgia will want to do, regularly scheduled simple workouts like walking or water aerobics are actually highly recommended treatments for the fibromyalgia condition. These sorts of exercises will help to ease the pain symptoms fibromyalgia patients encounter.

In addition to decresing pain, stiffness can be relieved and patients are able to gain some sense of control over their condition. Workouts, of course, tire the body out so a regularly scheduled workout may help patients with fibromyalgia to get better sleep. Finding an appropriate workout schedule could take some time and patients should consult with their physician before preparing a program.


A really great stress reliever is nice, hot, and long bath. Soaking in a hot tub with lots of warm water can be helpful in relieving aches and pains. The warm water will soothe tension filled muscles and promote flexibility. For some fibromyalgia patients, it can be quite difficult to maneuver into a low-silled bathtub.

Individuals with this problem should try taking baths in a sauna or consider placing a shower stool into the bathtub so they can site the warm water rains over them. Moist warmth can promote endorphins, thus blocking pain and providing help to attain better sleep.

Avoiding Caffeine

While a highly fatigues person, like those individuals with fibromyalgia, may feel that they need caffeine in order to get through their day, caffeine will actually only cause greater stress. Caffeine heightens stress in the mind and body. The caffeine will stimulate the central nervous system and heart, therefore increasing anxiety and nervousness.

When the heart is stimulated and anxiety levels are high, insomnia can ensue. Individuals with fibromyalgia should stay away from caffeine as much as they can if they wish to get better sleep. It should be known that caffeine can be found in a variety of places including certain drinks, tea, chocolate, and, of course, coffee.

Controlling Work

People that continue to work while they are suffering from fibromyalgia often are more stressed than those that do not. Work, for any person, can place a person into extremely stressful situations. However, with a condition such as fibromyalgia, these stressful situations can become unbearable.

Many employers will work with their employees that are suffering from fibromyalgia. Someone with fibromyalgia will be able to work out a plan with their employer to help their work day run a little more smoothly. Office spaces can be organized and arranged for comfort and easily accessed spaces and appliances.

Some employers may even allow an employee suffering from fibromyalgia to arrange their schedule according to which hours of the day the employee feels the most comfortable or the most productive.

Creating a Sleeping Paradise

Creating a sleep-oriented bedroom is something that is commonly overlooked by people that suffer from fibromyalgia. They often feel that their beds are appropriate because they worked so well, in terms of comfort, in the past. However, fibromyalgia creates new obstacles to getting adequate sleep.

Beds and bedrooms should be reserved solely for sleeping. The bedroom should be a dark and quiet space that is very cool and free of unnecessary distractions like blinking lights. Maintaining a strict sleeping schedule can also be very beneficial. Removing the television and keeping computers and laptops away from a bedroom are good techniques to promote better sleep. Adding relaxing sounds like crashing caves may prove useful.


Giving up some obligations and responsibilities could be just as useful as any other technique for coping with fibromyalgia. Too many places to be and schedules activities will add stress to the week and make for a very difficult life with fibromyalgia. Attending to too many other people’s needs will make getting enough rest and relaxation more difficult than it already is due to fibromyalgia symptoms.

Increasing denial counts will provide someone with fibromyalgia extra opportunities to sleep and relax their bodies. Focusing on the self is possibly the most helpful technique that a person with fibromyalgia can try in order to better cope with their new life style.