According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that makes it hard for someone to sustain attention and control their restlessness. People with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) do not show signs of hyperactivity; instead, people with ADD often struggle more with paying attention rather than keeping still.


Is Fibromyalgia Misdiagnosed as ADHD in Young People?

Is Fibromyalgia Misdiagnosed as ADHD in Young People?

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What causes it?

ADHD and ADD are neurodevelopmental disorders usually first diagnosed in childhood.

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Is there a test?

  • Neuropsychological testing

    An examination by a neuropsychologist

How to treat it

Supplements for ADHD

Nutrition is undeniably a fundamental part of daily life, and it is without surprise that food helps in the treatment of ADHD. Macronutrients and micronutrients alike have been found by several studies to help with the symptoms of ADHD....

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How to Treat ADHD

The best approach to treating ADHD is not only with medicine but also with concomitant psychosocial therapy.The American Academy of Pediatrics has set guidelines for evidence-based medical treatment of children in specific age groups....

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Symptoms and Signs of ADHD

How does one know he/she has ADHD? Of course, if you are concerned if you or a child has ADHD, the first thing to do is always to seek professional care from a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or your primary care provider like your pediatrician....

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