FDA Claims Kratom is an Opioid

What is kratom? Find out why the FDA says this herb is an opioid.

The Food and Drug Administration announced on Tuesday that their research has reaffirmed their suspicions that Kratomis similar to addictive, dangerous opioids. The drug, an herb from Southeast Asia that many fibromyalgia sufferers use for relief from their symptoms, is still legal in the U.S. (unless you live Alabama, Indiana, Arkansas, or Wisconsin). Still as many as 5 Million people in the U.S. use or have used kratom to get relief from pain, anxiety, opioid withdrawal, and fibromyalgia. The FDA has not announced whether it will place the drug on the Schedule 1 list of addictive drugs like cocaine and morphine (and for some reason, marijuana), but yesterday’s announcement is probably not good news for people who use the substance. The above video from the Washington Post gives a good breakdown of what kratom is and the issues surrounding its legality.

Have you used kratom to treat your fibro symptoms? How would a change in it’s status affect you?