How to Cope With Fibromyalgia Depression



Fibromyalgia is a disease that causes constant pain in the people who suffer from it. And like anyone who is in constant pain, fibromyalgia sufferers know that the pain can lead to depression. But is it possible to cope with your fibromyalgia depression?

Are Fibromyalgia And Depression Linked?

Fibromyalgia patients deal with a huge number of symptoms that make living a normal life difficult. There’s the constant fatigue and aching limbs. And the worst part can be feeling like there is no support or understanding among the people around you. Not to mention the fact that finding a way to treat it can feel like banging your head against a wall.

It can get overwhelming very easily. After all, what’s more depressing than feeling trapped in your own body? So it’s easy to see how fibromyalgia sufferers can get depressed.

And science backs that up. Research shows that patients who suffer from chronic pain are more likely to develop depression. That’s not to mention the fact that the lack of mobility that comes with chronic pain is another major known cause of depression.

How Can You Know If You’re Depressed?

There are a few warning signs of depression that you should look out for:

  • Decreased energy.
  • A lack of interest in daily life.
  • Persistent feelings of anger or dispair.
  • A sense of hopelessness.

But, many of those, such as fatigue, are common among people who suffer from fibromyalgia. It’s totally understandable to feel down about your disease. But it’s important to know when your feelings are actually signs of depression. And if you feel like you are depressed, visit a doctor. Often they will be able to offer effective medication to treat your symptoms.

How Can You Cope With Fibromyalgia Depression?

The most important thing to remember when it comes to fibromyalgia depression is that you aren’t alone. And feeling depressed is something that affects most people with fibromyalgia at some point. Realize that what you’re feeling is totally normal. In fact, it would be far stranger to not feel angry or hopeless after dealing with a disease as chronic and painful as fibromyalgia.

But you can also resolve to not let that make you lose hope.

There Is Hope

There are ways to manage your condition. And fibromyalgia will be treatable one day.

Even now, exciting new therapies are leading to breakthroughs for fibromyalgia patients. Medications like low dose naltrexone are providing relief to sufferers around the world. And research is close to narrowing in on the fundamental causes of the disease.

There is hope. Research new therapies and engage with your health care provider about the new options for treating the disorder. But if your doctor isn’t knowledgeable about the disorder. Or if they are unwilling to help you get the treatment you need, look for a new doctor.

There are doctors around the country who specialize in this condition. You can find a list of them here.

But the most important thing is always to be proactive about managing your condition. If you feel like you might be developing depression along with your fibromyalgia, see a doctor. And the good news is that many anti-depressant medications are also effective in managing chronic pain.

But anti-depressants are extremely hit-or-miss when it comes to each individual patient. Even if you have been on an anti-depressant before that didn’t work, try again. After all, a different form of anti-depressant may be all you need. Just remember to not give up. You can manage your fibromyalgia depression.