How Many Times Per Day Does the Average Person Pee?

Here is a question that medical professionals hear regularly: “How many times per day does the average person pee?” It might sound like a strange thing to wonder, but this is no laughing matter for those who want to know.

If you think you’re peeing too often or not enough, you might be worried about your health. But the good news is that this doesn’t have to be linked to a medical condition. Factors like hydration levels, fluid consumption, gender, and age also play an important role in the frequency of your bathroom trips. So there are a few things you need to consider before you jump to conclusions.

Is Peeing 10 Times a Day Normal?

According to the Bladder and Bowel Community, urinating up to 10 times a day doesn’t signal any abnormality. In fact, the usual range is between 4 and 10 urinary outputs. Peeing about 7 times in 24 hours means your bladder and kidneys work just fine, and you’ve probably taken about 64 ounces of fluid in a day.

It is also normal for pregnant women to pee more than usual because they experience hormonal changes and a greater bladder pressure. The increased urinary frequency might persist for a couple of months after delivery.

Why Do Some People Pee More?

Those who drink a lot of fluids, especially caffeinated drinks, may realize they need urinate too often, and it is the same with increased alcohol intake. But when is the time to raise a red flag?

Any sudden and alarming changes in the frequency, such as peeing a few times every hour, might signal a medical condition. And according to the Cleveland Clinic, 80% of all bladder issues are linked to other aspects of your health. For example, bladder problems may be a sign of a cardiovascular disorder.

How can you tell if something’s wrong? The first signs are discolored or cloudy urine which often has a strong smell. Some people might experience difficulties or pain while peeing, and there also might be some blood in the urine. All of this is worrying and requires a urologist’s input.

The Most Common Medical Conditions Linked to Peeing

Frequent visits to the bathroom can be frustrating and discomforting. But most of the conditions are successfully treated if they get detected in time.

Here are some of the most common culprits for a disordered urinary frequency:

Pelvic Floor Weakness

This condition affects women more than men and it is usually the result of childbirth. The pelvic muscle is not as strong as it used to be, causing frequent peeing or incontinence.

Kegel exercises for women can help with incontinence. In rare cases, it becomes necessary to undergo surgery.

Hyper- or Hypocalcemia

Low or high calcium levels can disturb the kidney functions and cause people to pee too much or too little. There are different treatments, depending on the type of calcemia. This condition is not to be taken lightly. Hypercalcemia can weaken the bones, cause kidney stones, and some cardiovascular problems, such as a slow heart rate.


High blood sugar levels can be the result of undiagnosed or poorly treated diabetes, and they cause frequent peeing. The frequency usually goes down as soon as the blood sugar levels are under control.

Overactive Bladder

This problem doesn’t come alone. It is often the result of nerve damage, obesity, and a hormone imbalance. Once a doctor pinpoints the underlying causes, the condition is usually easy to treat.

UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

UTIs are surprisingly common. Other than frequent peeing, the symptoms may include painful urination and back pain. Infected people can find it hard to hold back the urge to urinate. Combining antibiotics and diuretics (such as certain types of tea) helps flush the infection.

Sickle Cell Anemia

Sickle cell anemia is the inherited low count of the red blood cells. It influences kidney functions and may cause frequent peeing.

Painful Bladder Syndrome

Interstitial cystitis, or painful bladder syndrome, comes with symptoms similar to UTI. But there is no infection in this case. The reasons behind this syndrome are still unknown but it might be connected to bladder inflammation.

Prostate Issues

Unlike most previous conditions, prostate problems cause infrequent urination. The gland becomes enlarged and obstructs the urinary tract. It is not uncommon to experience difficulty with the flow of urine.

There are some off-the-shelf medications and herbal remedies that can help in the less severe cases. However, prescribed medication is the best treatment if the condition gets out of hand, and surgery may be the answer in some cases.

How to Improve Your Control Over Your Bladder

Assuming that you are in perfect health, there are a few tips and tricks for optimizing your peeing schedule.

First, you need to minimize the intake of caffeine, alcohol, and soda. Ideally try to avoid them altogether. Eight glasses of water are enough to keep you well hydrated.

Peeing before and after intercourse also helps. And you shouldn’t forget to wipe from front to back. There is some science behind these seemingly odd tips. Namely, this all lessens the chance of contracting a mild urinary infection that can trigger constant peeing.

In addition, you should take probiotic foods and supplements. Kefir, yogurt, and kimchi are good examples. These foods also help maintain urinary and genital health. Fragrances and genital area deodorants can be damaging – go for common soap instead.

Loose clothes are beneficial as well because they thwart irritation and infection. Choose comfortable underwear, made from natural materials. You also need to keep an optimal weight to prevent the extra pressure on your bladder and pelvic muscles.

Some people even take up a bathroom schedule. It means you visit the toilet at regular intervals and slowly increase the time between bathroom breaks, until you reach the three-hour gap. But you should be careful with this approach. Holding it in can do you more harm than good.

The Last Drop

How many times per day does the average person pee? Well, the average person pees about seven times a day. But if you are a coffee or soda lover, it is not unusual to pee more than that. And as long as you stay within the 10-times-a-day limit, there is no reason for concern.

This article has also provided you with some of the most common symptoms and medical conditions that can change your peeing schedule. So if you think you have a serious problem going on, it’s time for a visit to the doctor.

