How to Faint

Fainting, or passing out, is usually a natural occurrence due to a lack of oxygen reaching the brain. As soon as the brain experiences a lack of oxygen, loss of consciousness occurs. Fainting may also be brought on intentionally by restricting the blood flow to the brain, causing this lack of oxygen.

It is very important to know exactly what happens to your body and your brain when you faint. This article explains the process of fainting, and it also explains how to faint on purpose. But doing so may become dangerous, so we also cover how to fake a faint convincingly.

What Happens To Your Brain and Body When You Faint

It is very common for people to faint for various different reasons which may include heat exhaustion, low blood pressure, standing for too long, or standing up too quickly, to name a few. Another reason may be that it was simply brought on intentionally. It is, however, extremely important that you know exactly how to faint before attempting it, to ensure that you do not injure yourself or someone else.

First, you need to understand exactly what happens to your body when you pass out.

Decreased Blood Flow

Either your blood pressure drops or your heart rate slows down, causing the blood flow to the brain to suddenly decrease, which in turn decreases the oxygen flowing to the brain. It is important to note that when the brain is deprived of oxygen, it could result in brain damage, disability, or even death.

If the brain is without oxygen for only 3 minutes, brain damage is extremely likely to occur. After 5 minutes, death is imminent.

Loss of Consciousness

Fainting comes with loss of consciousness, and this isn’t always immediate. Some experience slurred speech, as well as loss of vision or blurred vision, before they pass out.


Loss of consciousness usually results in the body going limp, causing the person to fall down hard and suddenly. If you feel you are about to faint, or you’re planning to do it on purpose, steer clear of any sharp objects or furniture which may cause you injury.

Quick Recovery

Fainting does not usually last very long and is followed by a quick recovery. However, most people still feel tired and disorientated for a few minutes after waking. Ensure that you lie down for a few minutes after waking with your feet higher than your heart to assist the blood flow back to your heart and brain.

Knowing How to Faint

To ensure that you do not hurt yourself or someone else, it is important that you learn how to faint correctly if you are adamant to try it. Here are a few tried and tested ways to faint. Always have someone with you in case something goes wrong and be careful when attempting any of these since it could be very dangerous:

Hyperventilation and Other Breathing Pattern Changes

There are different ways to achieve fainting through hyperventilation like breathing in and out very quickly until you feel lightheaded. You can also put your head between your legs, taking approximately 10 deep breaths and standing up quickly. This causes your blood pressure to drop. You then need to put your thumb in your mouth and push your breath hard towards your thumb without allowing the breath to escape your mouth.

Holding Your Breath

By holding your breath, you can deprive your body of oxygen. Your body will go numb and you will feel lightheaded. But this will not work if you are unable to hold your breath for a long time.

Skip Taking Your Blood Pressure Medication

Changes in your blood pressure often result in fainting. If you regularly take blood pressure drugs, stop using them in time for your fainting spell.


Starving yourself may also result in fainting due to low blood pressure caused by the lack of nutrients. Note that this can have negative long-term effects on the body. It also isn’t convenient because you can’t time it precisely.

How to Pretend to Faint

Over the years, people have induced fainting in various ways, and it can be extremely dangerous to do so. For example, some attempted it by using chloroform. In the movies, people often knock each other out by applying chloroform to a piece of cloth. But attempting to do so will cause a sharp headache, and fainting isn’t always guaranteed. Inhaling high dosages is lethal, so don’t attempt this method.

Inhaling smoke into your lungs and keeping it there without exhaling for a length of time will cause you to faint. However, experimenting with smoke inhalation can easily be fatal. It can permanently affect the health of your respiratory system. The same goes for any attempts to cut off your airflow by choking yourself.

With all that taken into consideration, it is plain to see that fainting on purpose is a bad idea. Instead, you can fake it convincingly if you need to get out of an unpleasant situation.

Here is how to fake fainting without arousing suspicion:

Set the Scene

Before people pass out, they usually feel some unpleasant symptoms first. Don’t pretend to faint mid-sentence. Instead, you should slow down your movements, and tell the people around you that you feel dizzy or unwell. It’s not necessary to draw much attention to it but do make it clear you’re feeling sick.

Choose the Right Location

Like with real fainting, there is a risk of injury or even death if you fall in the wrong place. Find a spot that is safe for falling. You may want to sit on a chair before you pretend to pass out.


Fall off the chair in a safe way, landing on the backside of your thighs. If you’re standing up, fall to your knees first.

Lie Still, But Not Rigid

When people faint, others can still move their limbs, etc. Go limp and lie still for a short while.

“Wake Up” Slowly

Pretend to regain consciousness. People who fainted don’t usually know what happened. You can slowly open your eyes, take deep breaths, and ask for help standing up.

In Conclusion

In learning how to faint, it is important to know how dangerous and detrimental to your health it may be to bring it on by yourself. You should always be very careful not to hurt yourself or others while doing this. Fake fainting is the safer option, and nobody will be able to tell the difference.

