Even though our skin is very elastic and flexible, it still has its limits. After a point, you might start suffering from stretch marks. Also known as striae distensae, stretch marks are one of the main skin issues that people find aesthetically unpleasing.
Many people mistakenly believe that this is a women’s issue, and that it’s only women who want to know how to get rid of stretch marks. For men, the question of stretch marks can be quite sensitive. But it’s important to know that men are also likely to suffer from stretch marks. The most common causes for male stretch marks are sudden weight gain, bodybuilding, or intense growth during puberty.
Whatever the cause behind your stretch marks, here are some effective techniques of making them less noticeable:
1. Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera is one of the most powerful plants when it comes to skin care. Its healing properties are outstanding, which is why it’s used for a wide variety of purposes.
When it comes to stretch marks, the main reason why Aloe Vera is effective is collagen, which is present in abundance in this plant. Collagen is a protein that provides the skin with elasticity. When this protein gets broken down, the skin loses its flexibility and starts showing marks.
Being a severe case of broken skin, stretch marks require a lot of restored collagen before they become less noticeable. Even though they likely won’t disappear completely, they can become far smaller with time if Aloe Vera gel is used.
2. Tretinoins
Topical Retinoids are products based on Vitamin A derivatives. Tretinoin is one of the most potent variants, which can be used for the treatment of stretch marks.
The reason behind its effectiveness is that it promotes the production of collagen and elastin, both of which are necessary for skin elasticity. Depending on the severity of your stretch marks, it can either make them less noticeable, or get them to disappear altogether.
For example, if you’ve gained stretch marks around six weeks prior to the first use, it might be able to remove them completely. This is especially the case with smaller ones that can happen due to gym workouts that rely heavily on lifting.
3. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is one of the most versatile home remedies out there. Aside from vitamin C, it contains a variety of compounds beneficial to the human health. Moreover, those same compounds can be used to treat many skin issues, including stretch marks.
The main reason for this is the alpha-hydroxy acids found in it. These serve as a natural exfoliant, meaning that they help get rid of dead cells. Exfoliation is extremely important for removing stretch marks, as the formation of new cells is the way to make them disappear.
The easiest way to use lemon juice to treat stretch marks is to simply cut a lemon in half and rub it over the stretch marks while squeezing it a little to get the juice out. If you repeat this every day, you should notice some improvements fairly soon.
4. Lavender Oil
For centuries now, lavender oil has been praised for its calming properties. However, its abilities extend far beyond this. It’s widely used these days for treating all kinds of marks and wounds that can appear on the skin.
For example, a study confirmed that it promotes the production of collagen and helps create new connective tissue. This can result in is the formation of fresh, new skin that could make stretch marks appear less noticeable.
It should be mentioned that this study had rats as subjects, and that it will take more research to confirm the same effect in humans. Nevertheless, lavender oil treatment can definitely be beneficial to some degree.
You can also mix it with coconut oil and apply the mixture to your stretch marks. Massage them gently with the oil mixture for around 15 minutes every day, and you should see some progress.
5. Excimer Laser Treatment
If you have some old stretch marks that can’t be removed by using any home remedies, an excimer laser treatment might be a good idea. Excimer laser has been used for quite some time now to treat various skin conditions, including psoriasis, vitiligo, and alopecia.
It has also proven itself to be very effective at stretch mark removal. In essence, the laser beam stimulates the production of melanin in the affected area. Stretch marks then change their appearance and color, so that they match your skin tone. Depending on how big and deep your stretch marks are, you might have to undergo a number of treatments, but you are very likely to solve the problem for good.
6. Light Therapy
Your skin is the first organ to come into contact with light. But not all wavelengths are available in nature. Certain wavelengths, like red and near-infrared light, can be extremely beneficial to skin health.
Light therapy can help heal burns, hypertrophic scars, and other severe skin damages, even in cases where other therapies aren’t effective. In fact, it’s one of the best options for treating stretch marks. It might work even better when it’s used in conjunction with stretch mark removal creams and gels.
There’s a variety of treatment options based on specific light wavelengths. Even though there are some products you can use at home by yourself, it’s always a better idea to leave it to a specialist if you want to ensure effectiveness and minimize potential risks.
How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks for Men? A Word of Caution
Even though stretch marks can cause no damage to your health, many people go out of their way to get rid of them. By following some the above methods, you might be able to make yours less noticeable, and even remove them completely in some cases.
But if you decide to go with any kind of serious treatment, it’s essential that you talk to your doctor. Not every option might be suitable for you. Choosing the wrong one will not only fail to yield the desired results, but it can also make the problem even worse and potentially cause serious damage. If none of the home remedies work, talk to your dermatologist and see which treatment would suit you the best.