Lady Gaga’s Fibromyalgia Pain Causes her to Cancel Tour

In Pain, Lady Gaga Cancels 10 European Shows

Lady Gaga, whose fibromyalgia diagnosis we’ve covered previously, announced over the weekend that she was canceling the last 10 dates of her European tour in consultation with her medical providers. While her announcement on Twitter doesn’t mention fibromyalgia specifically, she has been open about her condition in the past, and it’s being reported that she was suffering severe pain which led her to cancel her tour dates.

“I’m so devastated I don’t know how to describe it. All I know is that if I don’t do this, I am not standing by the words or meaning of my music. My medical team is supporting the decision for me to recover at home,” the statement reads. Here’s wishing her well in her treatment and we hope she can get back to doing what she loves soon.