WAYNE, Pa., Sept. 29, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Who would think that a dean, especially one of a medical school, could have an exciting and adventurous life full of rewards and failures? But with Decanus Maximus, the new memoir by Joseph R. DiPalma, M.D., one will have every reason to think so. This deeply moving account tells of DiPalma’s life and times as a medical school dean, covering a period of extraordinary growth in science and technology accompanied by the commercialization of medicine and healthcare delivery.
Decanus Maximus tells the story of a youngster who had a career in aviation in mind but was forced into the field of medicine by his family. Contrary to expectation, he became accomplished in science, medical practice, education, and administration. As dean of the Hahnemann University Medical School in Philadelphia, he encountered the intrigues of medical politics and the misadventures of successive presidents of the university. Among these were the colorful Wharton Shober and the incredible Sherif S. Abdelhak. The final chapter covers the details of the largest failure and bankruptcy of a Philadelphia healthcare plan.
“This book is a must-read for those contemplating a career in the health sciences or those interested in the romance and history of medicine as it developed in the last century,” says DiPalma. Indeed, Decanus Maximus is a beautifully realized work and, at the same time, an astonishing personal account of struggle and achievement in the challenging but ultimately rewarding world of medicine.
Decanus Maximus is now available for your reading pleasure at your local bookstore and online at Xlibris.com, Barnesandnoble.com, Amazon.com and Borders.com
About the Author
Joseph R. DiPalma, M.D., spent ten years in the private practice of internal medicine. He later became a professor, chairman of the Department of Phramacology, dean, and senior vice president of Hahnemann University School of Medicine. DiPalma authored a textbook of pharmacology and over two hundred scientific papers.
Decanus Maximus * By Joseph R. DiPalma, M.D. The Life and Times of a Medical School Dean Publication Date: October 15, 2004 Trade Paperback; $21.24; 485 pages; 978-1-413446-89-0 Cloth Hardback; $31.49; 485 pages; 978-1-413446-90-6
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