Auditions Auditions

“Othello.” Elizabeth River Theatre Company. Auditions 7:30 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at Barry Robinson Center, Bishop Sullivan Catholic High School, 4552 Princess Anne Road, Virginia Beach. Needed: three white males ages 20 to mid-40s, one woman early 20 to late-30s. (757) 484-8864.

Handel’s “Messiah.” The Chesapeake Community production. Accepting registration for choral members to perform Dec. 18-19. Registration deadline Monday . Needed: ages 16 or older and work or live in Chesapeake. Call June Vinson at (757) 421-9567, www.greatbridge

“You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown!” and “A Christmas Carol.” Christian Youth Theatre Hampton Roads. Registration 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Friday at Episcopal Church of The Good Shepherd, 7400 Hampton Blvd., Norfolk. Needed: ages 6 to 18. Closed call back 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday . (757) 512-7280,

“Doubles.” The Little Theatre of Portsmouth. Needed: one male, athletic build, between the ages of 18 and 45. (757) 399-6262.

The Boys Choir of Hampton Roads. Auditions at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 913 Covenant St., Norfolk. Needed: boys ages 8 to 18 . (757) 545-6294.


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