Angel MedFlight Refocuses Business Practices to Stay Ahead in Slow Economy

To offset dramatic delays in collection of flight revenues, Angel MedFlight has expanded services to include specialized medical claims processing.

“The economy hasn’t affected the number of flights we’ve performed,” says Cheyenne Lord, Corporate Claims Director at Angel MedFlight, “but we’re seeing a much longer insurance claims process, even for pre-authorized medical flights.”

Healthcare comprises the largest sector of America’s economy, and an industry once thought to be recession-proof is feeling the bite. Insurance carriers are tightening their coffers as medical costs rise and profits and enrollment decrease. The impact on the air ambulance industry is a virtually automatic denial of coverage for air medical flights, and a longer, tougher road to claims payment.

Since 2003, less than three percent of standard health-care appeals filed by consumers with the Arizona Department of Insurance have been approved*. When claims are denied or take months rather than weeks to pay, patients and providers feel it.

“In order to thrive in a near-recession, we’re directing our resources to finding solutions,” says Lord. “Ideally, we want what’s fair for the patient, and we want it in a timely manner.”

Angel MedFlight’s proactive approach to collecting payments from fiduciary parties has garnered much success to date. The claims department at Angel MedFlight cites education, hard work and commitment as primary reasons for their positive outcomes.

“We’re in business to help patients,” reiterates Lord. “A big source of stress for the patient and their family is the cost of the transport. If we can help remedy that, we’re happy to do it.”

About Angel MedFlight:

Angel MedFlight Worldwide Air Ambulance Services is a full service provider of air ambulance, ground ambulance and commercial medical escort for critically ill and injured patients. The One Touch Promise provides safe, quality, cost-conscious medical transport and relieves case managers and patients’ families of the burden of travel logistics. Angel MedFlight has a pristine safety record, with no incidents or accidents.

* The Arizona Republic, Arizona Backs Insurers in Most Claim Disputes, 11/2/08, Ken Alltucker

 Media Contact: Jenna Murray Angel MedFlight Worldwide Air Ambulance Services 8014 East McClain, Suite 120 Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 Phone: 877-ANGEL70 (877-264-3570) www.angelmedflight.comEmail Contact

SOURCE: Angel MedFlight