Every single second, someone suffers a devastating stroke, more than 600,000 annually in the United States alone, leaving more than four million stroke survivors — half of whom are left with left with lifelong infirmities affecting speech, movement and even thought.
Roger Maxwell, author of the new book “Taking Charge of Your Stroke Recovery: A Personal Recovery Workbook” (www.takingchargebooks.com), suffered a massive stroke in his late 40s. Advised he could only “cross his fingers and wait” when insurance-paid hospital rehab ended leaving him severely disabled, Maxwell realized he had to take charge of his own stroke recovery.
In the course of his research through reams of medical literature, Maxwell developed unique methods to rehabilitate his physical health and mental functions. He succeeded, teaching himself to speak and walk again, to jog and ultimately to run marathons.
“Taking Charge of Your Stroke Recovery: A Personal Recovery Workbook” is a step-by-step, home-based recovery method that reveals clinically proven recovery techniques, and includes these little-known facts:
1. Far more stroke survivors can fully recover from the effects of stroke than currently do. The brain’s structure and function are virtually the same in everyone, so each person has the same capacity to recover if the right things are done, as confirmed by many scientific studies.
2. Good brain nutrition is important. We know that cutting off oxygen to the brain for ten minutes can cause irreparable damage. Likewise, the presence or absence of certain nutrients can have a rapid and profound effect on your brain.
3. Doing the right exercises the right way is key. Intensive, aggressive and repetitive exercise and practice are the best at helping people improve anything, including recovering from stroke disabilities.
Roger Maxwell says that when he first suffered the stroke, all his functions were affected except for thinking. As an experienced patent attorney who understands research, he was able to develop the “right things” to do, including forms of exercise, nutrition, thinking skills rehabilitation and how your caregiver can best help. Maxwell’s book is available at www.takingchargebooks.com.
To interview Roger Maxwell, or request a copy of “Taking Charge of Your Stroke Recovery: A Personal Recovery Workbook,” contact Rachel Friedman at (727) 443-7115 ext. 206 or email [email protected] Please include name, publication, and mailing address with your request.
Contact: Rachel Friedman 727-443-7115, ext. 206 [email protected]
SOURCE: Roger Maxwell