VIDEO: Zookeepers attach GoPro to cheetah

In what is believed to be a world first, trainers from the Cincinnati Zoo have harnessed a GoPro on a cheetah, filming from its back as it took off at 60 miles per hour (100 kmh).

Let’s just say, it makes you feel like you’re riding a cheetah—and it’s not quite the same as riding a horse. The footage is played at regular speed (and by regular, we mean fast) and in slow motion, showing you the surprising amount of jostling a cheetah’s body goes through—and how little the cheetah’s head bounces as compared to its body.

The cheetah in question, Savannah, was hand-raised at the zoo from a young age, making it easy to attach the harness.

“We put it on Savannah and she could really [not] care less,” said Alicia Sampson of the Cat Ambassador program at the zoo.

Incidentally, while many commenters on their Facebook page seem to believe this is a PR move to divert attention away from the accident involving the shooting of Harambe—an endangered western lowland gorilla—after a child fell into his enclosure, this video was published several days before the gorilla accident, on May 26. The gorilla incident happened two days later, on the 28th.

Watch Savannah run below!


Image credit: Thinkstock