Overcome Pain with a Holistic Approach

Holistic medicine is growing in popularity, as many people are searching for safe and effective alternatives to different medical conditions. Holistic medicine defined is the treatment of the whole person mind, body, spirit and emotions.

Patients who suffer from painful conditions such as fibromyalgia are finding the benefits of a holistic approach to pain. Fibromyalgia can affect the whole body with wide spread pain and often accompanying depression and fatigue, making fibromyalgia patients perfect candidates for holistic medicine.

Patients who want a physician who practices the holistic approach to treatment can find a physician through on-line directories. This is an excellent way to find a physician that offers the types of services specific to the patients needs.

Holistic Medicine for the Body

Holistic medicine in treatment of the body, specific to fibromyalgia may include an exercise regimen, as exercise may ease fibromyalgia pain. Exercises can range from a simple walking routine to a more aggressive aerobic exercise regimen. Patients assigned an exercise regimen are assessed prior to assigning a routine and many factors are considered such as:

  • The over-all health of the patient, as some medical conditions will limit a patient’s ability to participate in high impact exercises.
  • Age is a determining factor in a holistic approach exercise program for fibromyalgia, as some older patients cannot perform high impact exercises.
  • Medication can affect a patient’s coordination limiting their ability to perform high impact exercises.

fibromyalgia Holistic Medicine

Patients with fibromyalgia are encouraged to keep moving in an effort to ease pain. Patients committed to an exercise routine find symptom improvement and some patient’s report no pain at all after several months of exercise therapy.

The diet is another faucet of holistic medicine for fibromyalgia pain, and involves both specific foods as well as supplements. Some foods can exacerbate fibromyalgia symptoms and should be avoided. Sweeteners containing aspartame and sugar should be eliminated from the diet as these ingredients can worsen fibromyalgia symptoms. Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided as well as saturated fats found primarily in meats and dairy products.

Healthy diets for fibromyalgia are rich in omega-3 fatty acid, as well as omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid which aid in eliminating inflammation associated with fibromyalgia. Foods that contain the highest amount of omega-3 fatty acid include: salmon, trout, mackerel, and cod. Foods that are highest in omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid include: flax seed and flax seed oil. There are many foods used to control pain in fibromyalgia patients and include the following:

  • Greens, especially spinach rich in key nutrients such as vitamin A offering benefits of a healthy immune system. Turnip greens, cabbage, kale, swiss chard, and all varieties of lettuce. All greens contain fiber necessary for a healthy digestive tract.
  • All varieties of steamed or raw vegetables.
  • Fresh juices prepared from fresh fruit offer the fibromyalgia patient the best source of nutrition.
  • Incorporate protein with lean portions of fish and chicken, as well as nuts and seeds. Recipes containing chicken can be enhanced by adding nuts or seeds, while creating a healthy dish rich in pain fighting omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Drink at least eight glasses of water daily to remove toxins from the body.

Supplements can aid in relieving pain from fibromyalgia as well and include: magnesium ranging in doses from 100-200 milligrams two to three times daily. It is believed that magnesium will aid in fighting fatigue associated with fibromyalgia. In addition to magnesium many patients add 5-HTP in doses ranging from 400-800 milligrams two to three times daily. Patents taking anti-depressant medications as well as some Parkinson’s disease medications should not take 5-HTP without first consulting a doctor due to a possible drug interaction.

Antioxidants found in vitamins A, C and E assist in circulation and relieving fibromyalgia muscle pain. Other antioxidants include: coenzyme Q10 which aids in delivering oxygen to cells. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydrogen also known as (NADH) aids in concentration and memory.

S-adenosylmethionine SAM-e is used to treat symptoms of pain associated with fibromyalgia, but the benefits also include an enhanced mood and more energy. Evening primrose acts as a natural anti-inflammatory lessening pain.

Holistic Medicine for the Mind

Fibromyalgia can affect a patient’s ability to concentrate in addition to causing symptoms of depression. Supplements used in holistic medicine can relieve some of those unwanted symptoms many supplements offer benefits ranging from improved concentration, mental clarity and focus to enhancing mood and alleviating depression. Supplements that offer benefits for the mind include:

  • Vitamin D offers a relaxing benefit.
  • Vitamin B can alleviate symptoms of stress while adding more energy.
  • Melatonin can promote sleep for fibromyalgia patients suffering from insomnia.
  • SAM-e can enhance the mood and promote energy.
  • Phosphatidylserine assists with memory and alertness.
  • Bee Pollen and Royal Jelly enhance energy.
  • John’s wort assists with depression associated with fibromyalgia.
  • Vitamin B 12 injections, aid in fighting fatigue and improves energy and stamina.

Purchasing supplements for fibromyalgia is easily accomplished as most of these supplements are available at drug stores, as well as most grocery stores. Some specialty supplements can be purchased at health food stores or on-line at natural health markets.

Holistic Medicine for the Spirit

Meditation and prayer offer patients suffering with a painful condition such as fibromyalgia a way to let go and let a higher power take over when their pain is unmanageable. The effects of prayer can be seen in the many that have incorporated it into their care and include: a lower pain level, lower blood pressure, less stress, and less depression.

Holistic medicine for the spirit can include: deep breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, yoga, music therapy and art therapy. Yoga is one of the more popular forms of spiritual medicine and incorporates breathing exercises as well as meditation along with bodily postures promoting relaxation. Patients can add more than one form of spiritual medicine for example: the nature lover may enjoy a long walk while listening to music that lifts the spirit. Adding a spiritual aspect to the treatment of pain in fibromyalgia patients offers the full range of holistic benefits that treat the mind, body, and spirit.