Take Control of Fibromyalgia Knee Pain

More than six million people in the United States are affected by a condition known as fibromyalgia. Those affected with fibromyalgia experience pain throughout various areas of their body, with varying levels of pain.  Women are more likely than men to suffer with the condition, and the greatest percentage of those women are between the ages of 20 and 50.

There are many signs and symptoms that indicate that fibromyalgia is present, and one of those is knee pain. A great percentage of people affected by fibromyalgia will also suffer with knee pain.

Knee Pain & Fibromyalgia

Knee pain is a symptom that almost all people with fibromyalgia will experience. Doctors think that knee pain from fibromyalgia is due to other pain that you are experiencing, particularly that in the back, hips and the thighs.

The pain is triggered by a knot in the muscles that pull another group of knee muscles, which causes pressure to be placed on the connected tissues. Knots can be very small or very large, and this can vary from day to day or even week to week.

In most circumstances, the knots in the muscles are deep down within the muscle, and oftentimes accompanies by joint pain that can be downright excruciating.

Most people who have knee pain that is associated with fibromyalgia experience it first in one knee only, but in many cases the pain quickly sets in to the second leg as well.

Again, the level of pain that is experienced within the knees is not the same for any two people, and it can even vary from person to person at that time.

One day you might feel fine while the next day the pain is so excruciating it is difficult to maintain any bit of livelihood. There is no way to know whether you will be affected in just one knee or if you will have it in both knees.

Fibromyalgia Knee Pain

A Look at Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is one of the most puzzling conditions around. It is oftentimes misdiagnosed because there are so many different problems that a person can experience. No matter what the symptoms, most people with the condition experience life altering changes that make it hard for them to maintain their daily lifestyle, which can include work or relationships with other people. Many people who have fibromyalgia also experience depression and anxiety as a result of the inability to do so many different things.

Patients with the condition who experience knee pain may also find difficulty in doing things like squatting down, bending or even sitting or standing for long periods of time. The knee pain is most often accompanies by stiffness and pain in the joints and the muscles. There is no known cause of fibromyalgia, but doctors believe there are a number of different triggers that can cause the condition to develop and to worsen.

What to do about Fibromyalgia Knee Pain

If you are one of those people that is bothered by knee pain, the best thing that can be done is to talk to the doctor. He can evaluate your pain, as well as the best remedies to end that pain so that there is one less thing for you to worry over.

The doctor is likely to recommend exercise as one of the cures for this ailment. But you do not want to start any kind of exercise regimen without first speaking to your doctor and learning the best kinds of exercises that can be performed, as well as the easiest ways to remedy the problem. The more that you keep your body in motion, the less likely you are to suffer with knee pain, or at least you can affect the severity of that pain. When there are so many things that are hurting you, being able to minimize the pain is always something to look forward to doing.

Over the counter medications for pain can also be used to ease the knee pain that you are experiencing. There are many medications that can be purchased for this. You might want to purchase the strongest dosage to find the best results. If this does not help, and many times fibromyalgia patients find that these medicines are no strong enough, then ask your doctor to prescribe a prescription pain medication. He will evaluate your condition and determine which is best for your needs.

Massage is also something that many fibromyalgia patients use to help their muscles and joints and all of the pain they are experiencing. This may very well be something that helps you too, as it certainly provides sufficient and quick relief to the patient.

Hot and cold packs can be used in addition to the massage and other treatment tips listed above. A rotation of cold for 15 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of heat can decrease inflammation while also dulling the pain tremendously. A number of patients with fibromyalgia also have used this to treat their pain.

Finally, make sure that you get plenty of rest and allow the knee (or knees) sufficient time to rest. While it is important to stay active and work the knees to keep them in the best condition, it is just as important to allow them time to rest. You can keep your legs elevated to reduce swelling and inflammation, which in turn also eliminates some of stress on the knees.

Final Thoughts

Knee pain is something that you are likely to experience with fibromyalgia.  It is just one of the many ill effects of this difficult condition. While it is painful and can cause a number of difficulties in your everyday life, there is hope and help available. Do not hesitate speaking with your doctor to learn more about treating fibromyalgia knee pain, and be sure to use the tops above as well.

In the end you can manage your knee pain effectively and get back to as normal of a life as possible. You have a fighting chance against knee pain and fibromyalgia if you are willing to put forth the effort. Win that battle!