Treatments And Medications To Help With Fibromyalgia

Treatments And Medications To Help With Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia treatments vary between medications and home self-care treatments. While there does not currently exists a 100% effective cure for the condition, fibromyalgia treatments place emphasis on minimizing the symptoms caused by the condition and look to improve the general health of the person that has been affected.


There are several medications that are often used to help reduce pains and aches that are often attributed to fibromyalgia and can help to improve the sleep that someone with fibromyalgia has been getting. Analgesics, or acetaminophens such as Tylenol, may help to east some pain and the stiffness that is caused by the condition.

These medications, of course, depend on the degree of the fibromyalgia and the patient that has been inflicted. One prescription drug, Tramadol, is a pain reliever that can be taken both with and without acetminophen.

A few anti-inflammatory drugs that do not contain steroids, like the ibuprofens Motrin and Advil, or drugs that naproxen sodium, like Aleve, may be recommended by doctors to take in conjunction with some other medications.

Duloxetine, milnacipran, and other antidepressants may be recommended to help with pain relief and the fatigue that is often associated with fibromyalgia. Prozac may be prescribed so that those inflicted with the condition can get better sleep.

Some medications that are used to treat epilepsy and seizures are sometimes helpful in the reduction of certain pains and aches. The medication Gabapentin can be helpful to reduce symptoms associated to fibromyalgia, as well.

Getting Help

Therapy may be beneficial for those looking for helpful strategies in order to deal with the stresses of a life while living with fibromaylgia. A counselor may be able to reinforce a person’s belief that their can overcome their condition and strengthen their abilities.

Those that have been inflicted by fibromyalgia should constantly look for self-care methods to help them better manage their life with the condition. Reducing stress is absolutely critical. Those with fibromyalgia should try to develop comprehensive plans to help them limit their overexertion and help them manage the emotional toll and stresses that often come because of the condition. Relaxation should be made a priority.

Even though a person will be looking to limit how much work they put into a day, he or she should not completely change the daily routine. Those that quit their jobs and drop all of their usual daily activities oftentimes end up doing worse than the people that continue to go on with their lives and have full days. Techniques that can help alleviate stress are highly recommended. A daily deep-breathing exercise or a few minutes or quiet meditations can go a long way.

Those with fibromyalgia will often have trouble sleeping at night and will often feel symptoms of fatigue. Even though these things are very common among those inflicted with the condition, they should always look to get as much sleep as they possibly can. Fibromyalgia will take a serious toll on the body, so those that have the condition should be sure to allot enough time in order to sleep and should consistently practice good sleeping habits.

Having a set sleeping schedule that has them getting up and going to sleep at the same time each day of the work week will be very beneficial. Those with fibromyalgia should also look to limit the naps they take during the day as much as they possibly can, as well. Daytime naps can seriously alter sleeping schedules and will make it just that much harder to get the adequate amount of sleep needed each night for someone that is suffering from a condition that makes it hard enough to sleep.

While exercise may be the last action a person with fibromyalgia wants to include in their daily schedule, exercising frequently and on a regularly maintained schedule can help to decrease the symptoms of fibromyalgia. The exercises done do not need to be very extensive. Regular exercises such as biking, swimming, and walking have proven to be very effective.

It is recommendable to see a physical therapist in order to work out an adequate home exercise program and workouts that match the person who has been inflicted with fibromyalgia’s needs. Stretching exercises and those that can help with relaxation, as mentioned before, are very beneficial and can help the person to better deal with and overcome many of the symptoms that are attributed to fibromyalgia.

Pacing, like anything else concerning daily routines, is very helpful to those that are struggling with daily activities due to their condition of fibromyalgia. Those with fibromyalgia should look to do things in moderation and not overwork themselves on their good days. However, even they are looking to not overwork themselves on good days, they should not do too little on the days that their symptoms are flaring and causing them problems. Moderation is key.

Overall, maintaining a healthy lifestyle will be very helpful in the battle with fibromyalgia. Eating healthy meals full of vegetable and fruits is very beneficial. Those with fibromyalgias should be wary of their caffeine consumption, if not stay away from it entirely. Finding things that are enjoyable and that seem fulfilling will do the body well and help further with stress.

Alternative Medicines

There are a few alternative medicines that seem to be helpful with stress and help to reduce the pain and severity of the fibromyalgia symptoms. While doctors and those that study medicine have not approved these practices, they have been working their way into the mainstream.

Acupuncture has been used to alternate blood flow and the neurotransmitters that flow through the brain and the spinal cord. This method has seen some good results, but is not consistent enough to be recommended by physicians.

Massage therapy, of course, is a common practice for those in search of relief from the symptoms of fibromyalgia. It can help to relax the muscles and soft tissues and can even reduce heart rates and improve the range of motion of a person’s joints. This technique does help relieve stress and anxiety in those that undergo the practice.

Yoga and tai chi seem to help with relaxation and improving breathing, but no correlation has been found between controlling the symptoms of fibromyalgia and the practice of tai chi.