Whole-Body Vibration Exercises For Fibromyalgia

After reading the title of the article, the question that probably jumps out is: “Wait, what are whole-body vibration exercises?” Put in the words of opponents of this type of exercise, whole-body vibrations are a lazy way to get fit.

In reality, these whole-body vibration exercises, while falling under the class of ‘passive exercise,’ are a great way to tone up the body and, for those with fibromyalgia, reduce painful symptoms such as muscle tension, anxiety, and sleep problems.

Although fibromyalgia may feel like a life-long battle that one will never win, there are many things that an individual can do to improve the quality of their life, and these wonderful exercises are one of them. Having doubts? Then read more about them and the health benefits they present.

Convenience and Simplicity

Exercise doesn’t come easily for many people. After all, when given the option to choose between watching TV and engaging in weight-lifting or aerobic exercise at the gym, who wouldn’t choose the former? The newly coined term, passive exercise, gives individuals the best of both worlds. The top passive exercises include chi machines, electronic ab simulators, inversion boots, and of course, whole-body vibration exercises.

Also known as “power plate exercise,” whole-body vibration exercises typically involve an individual standing on a flat platform while the surface upon which they lay their feet has the capability of vibrating at the extraordinary rate of 30 vibrations per second. To keep balance, individuals must bend their knees at an angle but other than that, there is nothing more to the exercise.

So how is this considered exercise? The trick is, the body is deceived into a falling sensation which activates a hormonal reflux which results in rapid muscle contraction. This, the muscle contraction, is the key to unlocking fibromyalgia symptom relief. One of the common symptoms of fibromyalgia is muscle pain, whether it is located in the back, arms, legs, or neck. Like the name suggests, these exercises involve the whole-body so they have the capability of reducing pain in all areas of the body.

Whole-Body Vibration Exercises For Fibromyalgia

Suitability for Those with Muscle Pain

The most prevalent symptom found in those who suffer from fibromyalgia is muscle discomfort or pain. For those with medical conditions, the highest deterrent to exercising is pain. Tiredness, soreness, and fatigue can be swallowed, but exercising through pain? Not knowing if the pain you are experiencing is the result of injury or your fibromyalgia can result in a great deal of anxiety or even fear about exercising.

Due to the fact that whole-body vibrations are not as vigorous as biking or running yet still provide the healthy exercise component that all living individuals need, this form of exercise proves to be ideal to those who suffer from fibromyalgia. Exercise is needed to prevent the development of other chronic medical conditions such as high blood pressure, and diabetes which are most often associated with diabetes.

Vibration exercises subdue the pain receptors residing within muscles and strengthen the nerves within one’s body. This leads to physical endurance and strength that can alleviate the pain that comes with many of fibromyalgia’s symptoms. Not to mention, the increased flow of blood circulation keeps all parts of the body fit and turns individuals with fibromyalgia into active individuals. Additionally, whole-body vibration exercise has been found to strengthen the bones and is often prescribed for those at risk for osteoporosis as a preventive measure.

Physical Health, Mental Health, and Emotional Health

Whole-body vibration exercises have the capability of improving physical health and can lead individuals to feel more active, fit, and comfortable. However, whole-body vibrations have additional health benefits which include, but are not limited to, happier mood levels and reductions in stress. One of the common theories behind this is that exercise increases the flow of circulation which will lead to a better mental state while exercising.

Granted, these psychological benefits are not solely due to whole-body vibration exercises. However, studies of individuals who choose to engage in this form of exercise show that mental health improves dramatically. Individuals experience a happier mindset.

Relax the Limbs

Think of it as a full-body massage. The vibrations are oftentimes described to be pleasurable. This may seem counter-intuitive, as the typical word that is associated with exercise is “tiring,” “draining,” or “not fun.” Whole-body vibration exercises remediate the situation as the individual does not do much of the work, the equipment does. The sensations allow the muscles to relax, which can lead to a state of inner peace and calm. This does wonders for the individual and can reduce the fibromyalgia symptoms with the passing of time.

Whole-body vibration exercises leave the body feeling reinvigorated and energized. This can’t be said for many other exercises. Thus, this form of passive exercise allows for comfort and an increase in activity. Furthermore, it does not need to be a time-consuming activity. The individual may stand on the vibrating platform while simultaneously performing other activities such as typing, reading, or watching television.

As with most passive exercises, whole-body vibration exercises merge exercise with other fun activities and thus, an individual can kill two birds with one stone (for example, read and exercise, write and exercise, or eat and exercise, although some of these combinations may not be too comfortable or appealing for some individuals).

Exercise does not need to be an activity that leaves the individual drained and tired. Whole-body vibration exercises are a great form of exercise for anyone, particularly for those who suffer from fibromyalgia.

Individuals can see results with the passing of time. This form of exercise does not take an excessive toll on the body and is a multi-dimensional form of exercise that improves the body’s functions in more ways than one. Individuals emerge from a session with a feeling of energy and comfort, something that individuals who suffer from fibromyalgia, particularly, really desire.